
Boundary Surveys

Topographic Surveys

Right-of Way Surveys

Construction Staking

House Staking

Property Line Locates

Improvement Location Surveys

Elevation Certification (LOMA)

ALTA/ ACSM Surveys

As-Built Surveys

Subdivision Surveys

Earthwork Quantity Surveys

Courthouse Research – Deeds

Advanced Consulting Engineering Services (ACES) guarantees you an accurately complete survey, done by a registered land surveyor, and completed in a timely manner.  With a skilled survey crew & drafters, and state-of-the-art technology, we will meet your survey needs.  An accurate survey is critical when buying or selling real estate, locating a property line, or buying or selling crop ground.

ACES can provide you with an Elevation Certificate(s) for your building(s) for the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). An Elevation Certificate is an administrative tool of the NFIP used to provide elevation information necessary to ensure compliance with community floodplain management ordinances, to determine the proper insurance premium rate, or support a request for a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA). ACES will work with your insurance provider, and if warranted, will produce a LOMA for you building(s).

If you are building and want to make sure that your building is above the (Base Flood Elevation) BFE, ACES can come to your property and show you and your contractor where the BFE is.

Contact us for more information, or have your insurance company contact us. We will work with you to make sure you have an accurate elevation for your property. CALL – OFFICE: 402-372-1923 or EMAIL: